Fees: This is your investment in you!

Did you know, I retain my moderate fees, so people like you can take advantage of my experience, skills, and wisdom?

It’s not an easy subject, money! Of course, I consider your circumstances and I would like you to understand mine. I have undergone extensive training during the forty-plus years of working in the world of nutrition, coaching, healing, and complementary health, with businesses and individuals, helping many people to a better life. This experience and constant revisions to keep up to date, are reflected in my charges as you would expect. This is your Investment in YOU.

I am now a wise old lady, still choosing to work so you as a client can have the value of my experience and care. You will be treated with compassion and kindness because that is how I work, you will learn from the best, to be the best.

Fees for working with me are as follows:

The special one-to-one, half-day intensive session in your own home is £250.00 for local clients or if you can travel to me. This is economical for three hours

One Day 1-2-1 Intensive in my home – £450 including lunch and refreshments. (Travel to Brighton by Train and then bus…. or drive your car to the door!) 10 – 4.30, great value for six hours including lunch!

This session will take you from where you are now, to a much better place of health and well-being. This is ideal if you are suffering from trauma or long-term illness. This fee also includes a month of daily healing, without a specific time connection, plus email support, both will follow the session.

 Life Coaching: Basic Programme. 

1-2-1  one-off session £110.00 This is not recommended, you should have FOUR sessions minimum at £400 with extra help on email or phone, and Open Access to me for two more months for scheduled meet-ups. This guarantees you will benefit from the work we will do together. 

  • Minimum FOUR sessions 1-2-1 for a total Fee of £400 – $510
  • Six sessions are recommended for a total Fee of £520 -$800
  • Via phone, messenger, Skype, or Zoom

For Relationship Coaching and any bespoke work, the fees can vary on who, when and what….please ask and I will be as accommodating as I can…

Named Programmes: The Ultimate Heath Span and Honouring our Journey: Empowering Widowed Women. See the pages for more details.

My Spiritual Collection – please talk to me and we can arrange the right fee for you

  • The Soul Journey © – Revised
  • How To Manage And Manifest With Kundalini Energy – NEW
  • Inner Child Healing – Revised 
  • Past Lives and How They May Affect You – Revised
  • Akashic Records Readings – Revised
  • Understanding and Using Altered States and Dimensions – NEW
  • Reiki Distant Healing – Revised

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)  Training for personal use only –  £250 for 3 hours.

The Diane Holliday Personal Prescription
This concentrates only on your Body!

You will have a tailor-made eating plan and exercise routine to take you into a better and healthier life.  This entails a detailed questionnaire for you to complete, and a half-hour session in whichever form suits you best. In return, you will have a personalised plan of action to improve your health until you are ready for the next steps. The fee is £140 for the basic plan and £550 for more detailed and onward support for 6 months

My Elite Coaching Program is a 12-month commitment, most of the work being done in the first 3 months and then Open Access to me when needed for the rest of the year, with regular check-ins.

This programme includes special, targeted interventions for fear, addictions, illness, loneliness and feelings of lack of personal control.

It addresses relationships, past present and future and helps you, the client, to live in a different and better way. What you get is a vision for a better life and the strategies needed to follow your path, with joy….

Fee £6,000 – $7,600

This is only for people, like you, who are committed to change, those who want to find a way to enjoy later life and get rid of the stresses and anxieties that have accumulated over your life. You can start fresh with the knowledge that you will be OK, having faced your demons, you will be free to live again.


All former clients can have a Catch-up Session for £40.00. That is 25 minutes on Skype, Zoom or phone to set you back on your journey again 

Other arrangements are possible, please contact me to talk about it.

Payment Of Fees

Initial Assessment Session – FREE 20 minutes by telephone, Skype, Messenger or Zoom.

This will determine what is required to change your life and how to go about working with me. We will devise a schedule of sessions, with backup where required and start on our plan of action. Contact is made and sessions are conducted by telephone, Zoom, Messenger or Skype

You will be informed of how to pay when we have our initial consultation.

Individual programs have their fee structure and some can be paid for in instalments….. but let’s talk about it