Helping to find emotional flow…

by | Oct 26, 2024 | a spiritual life, blessings, Relationships, Wellness

Did you know that when we react to something without thought, we set up a train of events, sometimes easy to stop and on other occasions difficult, and then we are left with worry about what we have said or done?

Worry and anxiety flow, and like water, it will always find its level; and each time we fail to ‘feel’ or ‘notice’ before we respond, we get a back-up of emotions. Like a whirlpool, our thoughts just keep going round and round and will make us ill.

For instance, Julie, not her real name, was prone to interfering in other people’s business. She would ask questions of her friends and family that were intrusive and sometimes, point-blank rude. She would comment on things that were none of her business, ostensibly to be seen as powerful.

She seemed not to understand that her manner was upsetting people and blamed everyone else for her outwardly hard life.

Her reaction to me was strange, she wanted me to sort out her issues, mend the fences and set her up in a perfect life. Of course, this was not possible and even with a magic wand, not anything I would even contemplate.

When I explained that she needed to listen, to me and her inner guidance system, her heart and mind, and then take appropriate actions she was angry and upset. She was unaware that she had to work to make the changes that she knew she needed.

She reacted, and I responded… I taught her patience, a skill she had overlooked. She learned the benefit of thinking before she spoke, noticing what affect her words had, and eventually, she did turn her life around. She did it, not me….

Julie just needed guidance and training in the art of living in a crowded world, with too many people wanting to be healed, seen and heard, when in reality, the moment we stop to listen we are the healers.

If you have a chance to listen to somebody in emotional pain, trauma or grief, remember that we do not fix anyone, we help them fix themselves. So, listen with patience, resist the urge to talk about you and your experiences and when your conversation comes to a natural close, show love and compassion and you will have done a great piece of work.

Let the emotions flow, and as a listener, help the person find a level of calm that is not rushed like a waterfall or becalmed in a still pond, just flowing along and finding a way through the rocks on the journey of life.

Diane – going with the flow, there is no better way to travel through life….

For any issue

You may be interested to know that, if you have ANY issue that you are not able to cope with on your own, by contacting me we be able to sort it out together…

I get asked ‘how many sessions will I need’ and it’s not easy to say before we start work, but I recommend three. One to get to understand the issues and learn the technique, two to get to the core and sort out the problems, and three, to sweep up the pieces, consolidate the learning and check that all is well!

So contact me for more information.

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