After the festivities what comes next? Well, we welcome a new year and hope that this one will bring us happiness and love.
I suppose most years in the past I have considered what I would like to change and so resolved, as in a resolution, to do something differently and hope for a change. This has never worked for more than a couple of days as my determination and resolve are weak!
Like me, I expect weight loss, or giving up something has been on your list, but at this time of the year, we should have already made plans.
It happens every twelve months and as I get a bit older, they fly by anyway… so I have two pauses for reflection in a year and prefer to work on the school timetable. For instance, September is my time for new course preparation and website updates and March starts the summer season, with retreats, gatherings and new ideas.
This year is different, if you read the last blog, you will know that my life has changed so much recently that already the plans from September have been changed and some scrapped, as I no longer fit the bill.
My teachings have found a different and more profound direction and having now come to terms with being a Sigma Empath and found ways to dive deep into my subconscious, I have pulled out nuggets and gems that shine so much brighter than I thought were possible.
One gem, like an amethyst, twinkles at me when I light a candle, and it reminds me that what is past is no longer relevant. I can find it all in the Akashic Records, or Book of Life, but explaining why my life has been so ‘nonstandard’ was not easy.
My guides informed me that it was because I needed to experience so much in my lifetime, it’s all been crammed in…So, now can I relax and just be?
Oh no, I am told, not yet, you now must teach what you know, so that others can find fulfilment and inner peace…. So, there it is my friends, we travel the same road, some in diverse directions and many still search for the truth.
When you think about this, do you need to make a ‘resolution’, if so, maybe it could be just to be kinder, to think before you speak and realise that what other people think of you is none of your business. That will free up so much energy you can focus on what you have, and what is already there within, and create a space for love from the heart to grow.
Make this year coming year one of change that is important, it is only when you decide to do something the universe will organise to support you. Set your intention for what you want to be, do and have, then allow it to go with the flow….
In the next blog, I will tell you about the golden nugget.
Diane – Happiness is always there, so you can find it or I can help you find it!