Most people love candles, not just for special occasions, but lighting a candle is a lovely thing to do. I start my morning with a candle to illuminate my meditation space, and that is what I was writing about in the last blog.
When I got into the zone, so to speak, I mentioned the glittering jewels of candlelight and what it can reveal. “One gem, like an amethyst, twinkles at me when I light a candle, reminding me that what is past is no longer relevant”.
Then I said that the ‘Golden Nugget’, is a piece of information that may reveal more about how you see the world than anything else. It is how you perceive energy
When we see a candle flickering, we know that if we hold our hand over it, it will feel hot and if we add paper, it will produce fire. The heat is pure energy and the gap between the flame and the top of the heat is ether… we can’t see it but the pureness of the energy is powerful.
Ether, a definition from the internet…The modern use of the term is mostly a figurative term for empty space, or for literary effect, and not intended to imply the actual existence of a physical medium. However. Modern cosmological theories based on quantum field theory do not rule out the possibility that the inherent energy of the vacuum is greater than zero, in which case the concept of an ether pervading the vacuum may have more than metaphoric meaning.
I have extracted the relevant meanings according to the contemporary scientific theories of ‘The Field’ which I have talked about before. Read Lyne McTaggart, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake and others for more information. There are more…
To go back to the field for anyone not familiar with this concept, it is a thought field, where all our dreams and wishes go to await fulfilment, or not, as the case may be. This is how we connect telepathically and observe our intuition and dream world. This is how distant healing works, clairvoyance, EFT, dowsing and so much more.
So, when we observe a candle flame, and the little bit above, we are witnessing a glimpse of the field, of the interconnectedness of all things, the power beyond that which we usually comprehend.
Know that this energy force is there for us to use, so send out our thoughts and feelings and remember that nothing is ever lost. No energy is ever wasted, it is constant and like our souls, regenerates, recycles and returns. Send out your messages today, make them vibrate with positivity, then ask questions with humility and gratitude and see what transpires in your life.
If this is not a golden nugget, I don’t know what is!
Diane – living in the light and discovering my soul journey….with love and kindness always.
If you need to know more and learn how you can connect with this amazing place, contact me and we can talk.