
by | Jan 7, 2021 | a spiritual life

There is so much to take in right now….I feel like I am coping with life with a scattergun approach!

My work level has gone up, my sleep has gone down, and I have to remember to breathe. I don’t get anxiety attacks like some people, but I get wound up, which is a physical thing rather than mental.

I remind myself that there is only so much I can do and that given the right thinking, it will all come right in the end. But there is so much to do and so little time to do it!

I think that at times we take on more than we should, we create work rather than have nothing to do…well I do anyway.

So, after a stressful few days, and yesterday full of allergy (running nose and sneezing all day), I feel that I am over the worst…now I can concentrate again and get stuff done!

The sun is out, and I would have liked to go for a walk but having done my Zoom Body Conditioning class this morning I can just use the time to catch up on writing.

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I also took some extra time today to start a new book on Angels and Physics…strange but true and it’s going well. More about that soon…..

But…recently I have been getting white feathers dropped in my path…I was told this was a sign that angels were watching over me, I do hope so.

Blessings and hope your angels are with you xx



For any issue

You may be interested to know that, if you have ANY issue that you are not able to cope with on your own, by contacting me we be able to sort it out together…

I get asked ‘how many sessions will I need’ and it’s not easy to say before we start work, but I recommend three. One to get to understand the issues and learn the technique, two to get to the core and sort out the problems, and three, to sweep up the pieces, consolidate the learning and check that all is well!

So contact me for more information.

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