There is so much to take in right now….I feel like I am coping with life with a scattergun approach!
My work level has gone up, my sleep has gone down, and I have to remember to breathe. I don’t get anxiety attacks like some people, but I get wound up, which is a physical thing rather than mental.
I remind myself that there is only so much I can do and that given the right thinking, it will all come right in the end. But there is so much to do and so little time to do it!
I think that at times we take on more than we should, we create work rather than have nothing to do…well I do anyway.
So, after a stressful few days, and yesterday full of allergy (running nose and sneezing all day), I feel that I am over the worst…now I can concentrate again and get stuff done!
The sun is out, and I would have liked to go for a walk but having done my Zoom Body Conditioning class this morning I can just use the time to catch up on writing.
I also took some extra time today to start a new book on Angels and Physics…strange but true and it’s going well. More about that soon…..
But…recently I have been getting white feathers dropped in my path…I was told this was a sign that angels were watching over me, I do hope so.
Blessings and hope your angels are with you xx