As mentioned in my last blog post, I listen to Radio 4 and wait for the ‘Thought for the Day’ slot before I get up. After that, I make breakfast for my partner John and I have herbal tea (more about food in another blog).
The first project in my office is to write my ‘Just for Today’ piece for FaceBook; this, a self-commitment I started many years ago and do not wish to stop quite yet. I write a piece every day of the week, except for holidays and I know it is missed by my followers when I have been away for any length of time.
Writing it is not always easy, as I wish it to be a helpful and uplifting thought, something that stays with the reader for a while. So, when inspiration is lacking or non-existent, I follow the lead of the Thought for Day, the news, what is happening in my life or the Little Book of Buddhism and hope I come up with something interesting.
My next job is to check the weather, depending on what we are doing for the day… not a lot during lockdown …I may take a walk. Twice a week I do a Zoom Keep Fit session at 8.45am on the other days a walk down to the beach and back uphill. Fitness is not my most favourite pastime, but it is important, even more so as I age.
Morning is catching up on projects, dowsing or calling clients, pottering on the balcony and generally being happy.
Lunch is always 12 noon…John spent many years living in France, so midday is food!
Depending on the weather, after a short rest and a read of my current book, or on a good day a walk, then I get back to work.
My work is varied, I still have 1-2-1 clients, though not that many anymore, healing is done when I meditate, so mostly I write.
My monthly newsletter, a newsletter for my local Townswomen’s Guild, articles for TG in the local community magazine and when time permits back to my book, which is still mostly in the planning stage and has been for about a year.
The day is punctuated with the usual cooking, cleaning, washing etc. as we all do, but since March we have had our food delivered and will continue to do so until this virus is sorted. One less chore!
The office work stops at about 4pm unless I have something or somebody really important to deal with; John gets the afternoon tea and I prepare dinner. Then a bit of TV, my hobby (addiction) crochet, and a glass or two of wine.
Bedtime is about 9pm…and my last meditation of the day. This is time for more gratitude, thanks for another day and prayers for my family…. always happy to go to bed having been awake since 5.30am…
Now what can be next…….Food maybe?
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