In case you even vaguely interested, this is how I start my day…every day with very few exceptions.
My body clock wakes me at around 5.30am and as it’s cold right now, I stay in bed and work through my ‘Gratitude’s’. On warm mornings I sit by the balcony window and watch the sea.
My gratitude work on the Egyptian method of 5, easy to remember with one hand; it is one hand, known as Hamsa, it is also a symbolic totem.
Starting with my thumb I remember each member of my family by name, give thanks and send healing where needed. The next finger is my partner, my home, and his family, same as above. Then my index finger is me. Gratitude for a healthy body and healing for the bits that may be malfunctioning at that time. Then the next finger is for friends, clients, colleagues, and their intentions. Finally, the little finger is to remind me to be eternally grateful that I have skills to help others, and the ability to use technology to spread the word…
After this I go into the kitchen and sort out things for our first drinks of the day, coffee for me tea for my partner. Remove any needed items from the dishwasher and set the table.
Then it is yoga time….I am not as flexible as I once was but I spend about fifteen minutes doing stretches and such. I then do a rather strange Hindu set of chants using prayer beads called a mala. Mine are made from Rudraksha, like nuts that are carved and strung with a one large one carved.
Rudraksha word is related to Hindu Religion. Rudraksha tree and seed both are called Rudraksha the tree grows on mountains and hilly region of Nepal, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and Burma. Its leaves are green in colour and the fruits are brown in colour and sour in taste. The Rudraksha fruits also adorn the human beings because of spiritual values.
My chant is more Buddhist then Hindu I think, but basically ‘Om Shrim’ 108 times and is my first mediation of the day. This is for abundance, love and peace.
After that is take my Rider Waite Tarot cards and after a quick shuffle take a card that hopefully makes me think about the day.
Then back to bed with my coffee to listen to Radio 4 for a while…and all that is before 7am.
So that early routine sets me up for the….I will tell you about the rest of the day another time….
Back to work……