Trauma is not always PTSD!

Did you know that we all have had a trauma at some point in our lives? You don’t have to be a combat soldier, a prisoner of war or have a car accident to have experienced trauma. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is really all about the bad stuff and there are...
Caring for a loved soul

Caring for a loved soul

This is all about our soul, the ones that have passed and us who are left, and how we must go through so much life, good and difficult, before we can leave the human place of existence. Soul therapy, yes, it is a thing, is more about our current life than we may...

Why challenges are important

This blog is about challenges and why we need them For those of you who me well, it will not come as a surprise to know that I have had challenges in my life… but then, don’t we all? Some challenges have been more difficult to overcome than others, but they have all...