Why challenges are important

This blog is about challenges and why we need them For those of you who me well, it will not come as a surprise to know that I have had challenges in my life… but then, don’t we all? Some challenges have been more difficult to overcome than others, but they have all...
Changing up to a more spiritual level

Changing up to a more spiritual level

This blog is to help me as well as you dear reader, to understand the long journey I have been on, and still travel, seeking to be the healer I have always known I was. Many years ago, I noticed that I could feel energy, when many people don’t.  I know when...

Self-control is emotional mastery!

Being disciplined is all about self-control. Do you have self-control? Are you able to do things without being sidetracked? For instance, can you keep your home tidy without much effort? Can you find the time to meditate or work on your personal development? Do you...
Whatever happened to respect?

Whatever happened to respect?

Every day we hear more tales of bullying, misogyny, and discrimination. The police and fire service, parliament, schools, and the workplace in general. What is going on, where is respect, mutual respect for all? Whatever happened to the idea that teaching children...